JSP-Generator Help

 Point Objects   Text Objects 
 Line Objects   Circle Objects 
 Area Objects   Measurement Objects 
 Grid Objects   Locus Object 
 Transformation Objects   Image Objects 
 Button Objects  Format Options
 Predefined Extensions 


TopPoint Objects
Point(x,y,options)Draws a movable point at location (x,y)
FixedPoint(x,y,options)Draws a fixed point at location (x,y)
Midpoint(a,options)The midpoint of Segment a
Point_on_object(a,real,options)a point on object a. real specifies the location
Intersect(a,b,options)The point of intersection between the linear objects a and b
Intersect1(a,b,options)One point of intersection of circle b and object a
Intersect2(a,b,options)The second point of intersection of circle b and object a
PlotXY(a,b,c,options)Plots (c,a) on coordinate system b
UnitPoint(a,n,options)Defines a draggable point n pixels to the right of point a
SquareUnitPoint(a,options)Defines relative to the UnitPoint a the second UnitPoint
RectangularUnitPoint(a,n,options)Defines relative to the UnitPoint a a second draggable UnitPoint n pixels above the point referred by the UnitPoint a
DriverPoint(a,b,options)used in interapplet communication
TopText Objects
FixedText(x,y,text,options)Caption text at fixed position (x,y)
PeggedText(a,b,options)Caption with text identical to that of b at position of point a
ConcatText(x,y,list,options)Caption at position (x,y) with text of objects in list concatenated.
TopLine Objects
Segment(a,b,options)Connects points a and b by a Segment
Line(a,b,options)Draws a line though a and b
Ray(a,b,options)Draws ray with foot b. a defines the direction
Perpendicular(a,b,options)Draws a line perpendicular to a through b
Parallel(a,b,options)Draws a line parallel to a through b
HorizontalAxis(a,b,options)Defines the horizontal axis with origin a and UnitPoint b
AxisX(a,options)Defines the horizontal axis of coordinate system a
VerticalAxis(a,b,options)Defines the vertical axis with origin a and SquareUnitPoint or RectangularUnitPoint b
AxisY(a,options)Defines the vertical axis of coordinate system a
TopCircle Objects
Circle(a,b,options)Circle with centre a through point b
Circle_by_radius(a,b,options)Circle with centre a and radius equal to the length of segment b
TopArea Objects
Polygon(a,options)Draws a shaded polygon. a is a list of points. E.g. Polygon([P,Q,R],'') draws the triangle PQR.
Circle_interior(a,options)Draws the interior of circle a
TopMeasurement Objects
Length(a,x,y,text,options)Length of segment a displayed at location (x,y)
Angle(a,b,c,x,y,text,options)Angle abc displayed at location (x,y)
Perimeter(a,x,y,text,options)Perimeter of polygon a displayed at location (x,y)
Circumference(a,x,y,text,options)Circumference of circle or circle interior a displayed at location (x,y)
Radius(a,x,y,text,options)Radius of circle(interior) a displayed at location (x,y)
Area(a,x,y,text,options)Area of circle(interior) or polygon a displayed at location (x,y)
Slope(a,x,y,text,options)Slope of straight object a displayed at location (x,y)
Distance(a,b,x,y,text,options)Distance between a and b displayed at location (x,y)
RatioSegments(a,b,x,y,text,options)Ratio of the length of a and b displayed at location (x,y)
RatioPoints(a,b,c,x,y,text,options)Ratio of the length of segments ac and ab displayed at location (x,y)
Coordinates(a,b,x,y,text,options)Location of point a in coordinate system b displayed at location (x,y)
Calculate(x,y,text1,text2,list,options)Perfoms at location (x,y) the RPN calculation in text2. Text1 contains a prefix string. List contains one or more object references.
Parameter(a,x,y,text,options)Used in inter-applet communication.
TopGrid Objects
OriginUnit(a,b,options)Defines a coordinate system centered at point a, with a unit length determined by the distance of a to b
UnitCircle(a,options)Coordinate system centered on circle a with unit length as radius of a
CoordSysByAxes(a,b,options)Coordinate system defined by axes a and b
TopLocus Object
Locus(a,b,c,n,options)Locus of a point or straight object a, when point b moves along path c (circle, straight object or polygon). n defines the number of samples
TopTransformation Objects
Reflection(a,b,options)Reflects a across straight object b
Dilation(a,b,real,options)Dilates any a with center b by the scaling factor real.
DilationSegmentRatio(a,b,c,d,options)Dilates any a with center b by the scaling factor |c|/|d|
Dilation3PtRatio(a,b,c,d,e,options)Dilates any a with center b by the scaling factor |ce|/|cd|
DilationMarkedRatio(a,b,c,options)Dilates any a with center b by the scaling factor of measurement c
Rotation(a,b,real,options)Rotates a around b with radian angle real
RotationMarkedAngle(a,b,c,d,e,options)Rotates a around b with angle cde
RotationMeasuredAngle(a,b,c,options)Rotates a around b with the measured angle c.
Translation(a,x,y,options)Translates a. x and y are applet coordinate offsets.
VectorTranslation(a,b,c,options)Translates a by the vector implied by points b(foot) and c(tail)
TranslationFixedAngleMarkedDistance(a,b,real,options)Translates any a by the distance expressed by measurement b in the direction expressed by real radians.
TranslationMarkedAngleFixedDistance(a,b,real,options)Translates any a in the direction expressed by measurement b by the distance expressed by real.
TranslationMarkedAngleMarkedDistance(a,b,c,options)Translates any a in the direction expressed by measurement b by the distance expressed by measurement c.
TopImage Objects
Image(x,y,loc,options)Displays image with path loc (.gif or .jpg, path relative to jsp4.jar) at fixed position (x,y)
ImageOnPoint(a,loc,options)Displays image with path loc (.gif or .jpg, path relative to jsp4.jar) at position of point a.
ImageBetweenPoints(a,b,loc,options)Displays image with path loc (.gif or .jpg, path relative to jsp4.jar) between points a and b
TopButton Objects
ShowButton(x,y,text,list,options)ShowButton at location (x,y) with caption text. list is a list of objects to be shown. E.g ShowButton(10,10,'Show',[p,q,r],'green')
HideButton(x,y,text,list,options)HideButton at location (x,y) with caption text. list is a list of objects to be hidden. E.g HideButton(10,10,'Show',[p,q,r],'green')
MoveButton(x,y,c,text,list,options)MoveButton at location (x,y) with caption text. c gives the speed. list is a list of pairs of objects to be moved (order: destination first,then object to be moved). E.g MoveButton(10,10,'Move',[q,p,s,r],'green')
AnimateButton(x,y,text,list1,list2,list3,list4,options)AnimateButton at location (x,y) with caption text. list1 is a list of paired objects to be animated (order:object,path), list2 specifies the speed, list3 specifies once only (1) or indefinitly (0); list 4 specifies the type of motion (back and forth (0), one way (1), clockwise (0), counterclockwise (1))
SimultaneousButton(x,y,text,list,options)SimultaneousButton at location (x,y) with caption text. list is a list of buttons to be fired simultaneously.

Format Options


all objectshiddenhides an object
color(r,g,b)specifies the values (0-255) of red, green and blue
all geometric objectslayer(n)specifies the visual object priority (n=1-1000)
tracedleaves a traced "after-image"
point objectslabel('...')labels a point
line, circle and grid objectsthick 
measurement and text objectsfont('...')specifies the text font
size(n)specifies the font size in pixels
justifyLeftapplet point left to text
justifyRightapplet point right to text
justifyCenterapplet point centered to text
measurement objectssuffix('...')text after the numeric value of the measurement
button objectsimage('...')displays an image as action button
autorelated button is already pressed after applet start

Predefined Extensions


Xaxis(cs,applet_width,options)Draws an xaxis in coordinate system cs with defining points at the edges of the applet window
LabelPoint(point,label,options)Labels a point by a formattable caption. Possible locations are justifyLeft, justifyRight, justifyTop, justifyBottom.
LabelCs(cs,options)Labels a coordinate system cs
LabelSegment(a,b,options)Labels a segment a by the text b
SketchedSegment(a,b,style,n,options)Sketches a segment from a to b with n points (style=0) or n dashes (style=1) or n dashes and points (style=2)
PerpendicularBisector(a,b,options)Draws Perpendicular Bisector of points a,b
SketchedCircle(a,b,style,n,options)Sketches a circle around a through b with n points (style=0) or n dashes (style=1) or n dashes and points (style=2)
Circle3Points(a,b,c,options)Draws a circle through the points a,b and c
Vector(foot,tail,caption,options)Draws a labeled vector with foot and tail
AngleBisector(a,vertex,c,options)Draws Angular Bisector of angle a-vertex-c
AngleBisector2(a,vertex,c,options)Draws second Angular Bisector of angle a-vertex-c
MarkAngle(A,S,B,r,n,txt,opt_legs, opt_sector,opt_arc,opt_txt)Displays the angle ASB and captions it with txt (style: opt_txt). Draws the legs SA and SB (style: opt_legs), a circle sector (i.e. a polygon with n+2 vertices) with radius equal to the length of segment r. Fills it (style: opt_sector) and draws the arc (style: opt_arc). The default value for the 'DirectedAngles' parameter in the applet invocation must be 1.
Barycenter(a,b,c,options)Constructs the barycenter of a triangle
InscribedCircle(a,b,c,options)Draws inscribed circle of points a,b and c
Arc(vertex,startpoint,endpoint,radius,options)Arc with a radius equal to that of Segment radius, with startpoint and endpoint defining the "rays"; the arclength is allways less than or equal to 180 degres
Arc2(vertex,startpoint,endpoint,radius,options)Arc with a radius equal to that of Segment radius, with startpoint and endpoint defining the "rays"; the arclength is allways more than or equal to 180 degres
Sector(a,b,angle,edge_options,fill_options)Constructs 51 vertices of a polygon with centre a as first and startpoint b as second vertex and measured sector angle
Parabola(focus,directrix,options)Draws Parabola given focus and directrix
Ellipse_Hyperbola(focus1,focus2,radius_directrix,options)Draws Ellipse/Hyperbola with foci focus1 and focus2, whose directrix is a circle with centre focus1 and radius given by the length of segment radius_directrix.
Bezier(a,options)Constructs a bezier curve. List a contains the points. The curve starts and ends at the first and last point. All other points are guide points. Options contains the options of the curve. Bezier returns an array with two elements. The first element (with index zero) refers to the curve itself. The second element (index 1) is an array that contains the construction. This array can be handed to action buttons.
Graph(origin,unit_x,unit_y,applet_width,myfunc, options_cs,options_xy,options_gf)Draws the graph of the function myfunc with options_gf in unit_x / unit_y-coordinate system with options_cs with axes with options_xy. applet_width is the width of the applet in pixels.
Graph2(origin,unit_x,unit_y,myfunc1, myfunc2,options_cs,options_xy,options_gf)Draws the graph of parametric curve with options_gf defined by myfunc1 and myfunc2 in unit_x / unit_y-coordinate system with options_cs with axes with options_xy.
Pie(a,centrex,centrey,radius,colors) Draws a pie chart of array a with centre at (cetrex,centrey) with radius radius. colors is an array with color names