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Global Penfriends is a meeting place for people from all over the world. Whether you would like an international postal penpal or email friend - this is the place to meet your international contacts! GP's has the largest online database of postal penpals in the world! Let Global Penfriends introduce you to new friends, acquaintances and contacts from all over the globe.

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  1. Ciao a tutti. Scrivo dal Messico. Studio italiano e mi piace molto parlarlo, vorrei conoscere qualcuno con voglia di chiacchierare un po' ogni tanto (con Skype)...Buona fortuna a tutti. HORACIO 
  2. Death Row inmate Avidly interested in learning the Italian Language, My current skill level is beginner/intermediate, I can decipher written Italian, but I am unable to write it very well. I would like to meet some one, regardless of age, race, or gender for friendship and a tutor to aid my development in learning Italian. I am 38 years old, male, african-american friendly and sincere. Please write to Mr Curtis Guy # 33750 P.O.Box 1989 Ely Nevada 89301 USA
  3. E-mail Francot Ragazzo italiano di 23 anni, studente a Siena è disposto a scambiare corrispondenza in italiano.
  4. E-mail Riccardo, italiano, studente in ingegneria, disposto a scambiare corrispondenza in italiano ma conosce anche inglese e tedesco.
  5. Vorrei scambiare alcune parole con ragazzi/e americani, conoscete qualcuno che sia disposto a fare quattro chiacchiere? Si potrebbe comunicare in italiano oppure in inglese. Il mio indirizzo e-mail è: spaolacc@iper.net
  6. I am a 35 year old woman looking to find a female Italian pen pal who can help me speak Italian and I can help her speak english. To send me an email press: here.
  7. Sono un studente della lingua italiana. Cerco un pen-pal di aumentare la mia opportunita' di imprare il mio italiano. I am looking forward for any one to write to me. I am bi-lingual in Mandarin and English. I am male Singaporean, 43, married with 2 children. My occupation is a trade analyst. Ciao. Chang (cognome) Leong Hua (nome) To send me an email press: here  
  8. I'm looking for someone who can help me with my Italian and who would like to improve their English with me ( I am an English teacher). Age, gender are not important, but ideally someone over 21 with a little life experience. To send me an E-mail click R.Knigh
  9. I am studying the Italian language and am looking for a Italian friend, preferably female in the age group of 35-42, who also speaks English and is living in Florence or near about.  I will be traveling to Florence in the month of April, 2000.  I would like to exchange ideas on travel etc. Write to Sanjay Jain
  10. Mi chiamo janine. Sono una studentessa di italiano e vorrei corrispondere con italiani per imparare. In questo momento vivo a Londra ma sono neozelandese.
  11. Mi chiamo Michele, sono un ragazzo degli Stati Uniti, e ancora sto imparando la bella lingua d'italiano. Vorrei fare alcune amicizie in linea che vogliano scambiare i racconti delle nostre esperienze, le nostre proprie impressioni d'questo mondo pazzo, parecchio umorismo e naturalmente altre cose. Se ti va l'idea, mettititi in contatto. Ciao Il mio indirizzo è Michele..
  12. Pablo Ciao! Mi chiamo Pablo. Io ho cominciato studiare l'italiano. Io non so quasi ancora scrivere in italiano, ma puo capire quasi tutto (come voi con lo spagnolo). Io cerco gente interessata in scrivirse con me, per parlare de qualcosa, intercambiare libri, musica, pellicole di cine, opinione, sentimenti...
  13. Ciao, If you or someone else need to speak (write !) in Italian with an Italian girl like me ... write me, I'll be happy to have a corrispondence with all of you ! You can find me at Alex website Email: Alex
  14. My name is Valentina Rizzo and I am a college student in the San Francisco area, where I have been living in the past year. I am Italian, where I finished high school, before taking off for the US. I would be happy to give my time to people who wish to learn Italian or want to have a conversation in Italian.
  15. Mi piacerebbe corrispondere con persone 20-30 anni che vogliono conoscere qualcosa in piu' sull'italia e gli italiani. Sono uno studente di inglese e quindi posso comunicare abbastanza bene. my address is email
  16. Ciao, my name is Franck, I'm 23 from France. I already have pen pals in America and in Mexico and I would like to have some pen pals from Italy. I like this country although I have never been there. Unfortunately, I don't speak Italian. I like traveling and share pictures of my trips with the world via internet. My Web page is : http://bonvoyage.free.fr  . If you would like to have a French pen pal, write me. My email : fwojciechowski@free.fr
  17. My name is Mike and I would like to put an ad as an American wishing to correspond and learn Italian. Parlo un po' l'Italiano - but only VERY ittle. I will be visiting Italy again in April and desperately want to be able to someday become fluent. Grazie e ciao. Michele
  18. I am 17 year old, from Japan wishing to e-mail with someone my age from Italy. I would also want to learn some Italian. This is my  e-mail address (Lisa Sakai  risa103@hotmail.com ) for young people my age who would like to e-mail me.
  19. My name is Neil and I want to correspond with any single Italian woman. My request is two fold. Firstly I want to learn Italian as I think it is a beautiful language. Secondly I want to meet a single Italian woman to show me around Rome when I visit next year. I would be obliged if you can help me in anyway.
  20. Matt, a 25 year old male from England is looking for a female (or male) penpal for help with learning Italian.  Has visited Italy and loves the language, food, people, scenery...  Italy rules!
  21. Buongiorno, mi chiamo Sean Hogan, sono Irlandese da Limerick, mi piace Italia e tutto Italiano, adesso impero la bella lingua a casa. vorrei parlare con qualcono per aiutarmi parlare l'ialiano bene. 
  22. Bonjour, je suis une fille de 26 ans, j'habite Paris et je voudrai correspondre avec des italiens garcons. Je suis journaliste de métier ma specialité est le sport. J'adore le football et je voudrais correspondre avec des footballeurs. Je peux envoyer ma photo. Merci d'avance a bientot Josy My email address is: adams.josy@free.fr
  23. Sardegna. Olbia. Italia..Sono un 28enne titolare di una società giovanile di servizi. Mi piacerebbe corrispondere con ragazzi e ragazze di tutto il mondo per scambio di idee, amicizie..e perche' no collaborazioni..un saluto a tutti.scrivere a email calarossa  
  24. I am a 56 yr. old,CHRISTIAN lady seeking a CHRISTIAN, ITALIAN, single male for nice e-mails.You must write and understand English. THANKS !!! CECILIA in the USA.    cgusa@webtv.net 
  25. I am interested in speaking with some students who have gone to Italy. I would like to speak or write to them about their experiences with and without families. Richard aka Riccardo
  26. Searching for Italian speaking person. Ho bisogno di praticare perche' vorrei viaggiare ancora. Write to mbnarsis@hotmail.com 
  27. Young married couple of 26 years old would like to have Italian Pen Pals of any age. Would like to exchange emails in Italian, English or Spanish, and learn from one another's cultural, and hopefully become good-friends. We are planning to travel to Italy. MryRL2000@cs.com 
  28. Ciao! Vorrei trovare una pen pal in Italia per esercitare in Italiano. Io sono russa, ho 37 anni e sono sposata. Scrivete a Victor 
  29. I am a 20 year-old Greek guy who... impara la lingua italiana e cerca qualcuno per parlare l' italiano. I also can help them with their english since I speak English fluently. Any volunteer? If yes, e-mail me at tripper@pathfinder.gr 
  30. Hi ! My name is Jesse and I would like to find a female pen pal in Italy to exchange e-mails,etc.
  31. Vorrei trovare una persona matura a San Francisco, con cui parlare in Italiano della cultura europea. La mia esperienza: Sono nata a Hong Kong e mi sono trasferita negli Stati Uniti dopo il liceo, dove mi sono laureata a Harvard in matematica, poi alla Sorbonne (Parigi). Ho lavorato coi computer e ho girato il mondo per 2 anni. Conosco più di 50 paesi, inclusi 30 in Europa. Ho lavorato alle Nazioni Unite (United Nations Education and Science and Culture Organization) a Parigi. Ho superato il concorso per diventare diplomatica canadese Ora sono agente di viaggio Irene
  32. I'm looking for a penpal who is Italian but knows some English. I hope this way I could learn Italian and whoever my penpal would be could learn English. Is there anyway I could connect? Sincerly, Miriam Gross
  33. Is there any Italian muslim girl student of literature introduced to me with whom  I should learn, write and understand Italian thru e-mail? Piacere e Ciao, Malik Abid Hussain. 
  34. da molto tempo cerco di icontrarmi un attore oppure un regista,ho molto cose da dire,ho molto storie da dire,per favore aiutatemi, grazie mille. cheaitani.m libanon-beirut chetom2002@yahoo.it
  35. Salve, mi chiamo Dora ho 20 anni e sono una ragazza italiana che vorrebbe perfezionare l'inglese. Mi piacerebbe così corrispondere con ragazze inglesi o irlandesi a cui piace l'italia. Dora ora.micia@libero.it
  36. Hi!I am a very friendly and nice 26 yrs Italian girl and I am looking 4 females in order to practice my English. I am also willing to teach you Italian. Please reply if you are really interested in this friendship. I am looking for a person who doeS not write me only once or twice. My answer will be 100% but pls only females up to 20 yrs. Hope to hear from u soon.ciao ELEONORA 
  37. Hi!I am a very friendly and nice 35 yrs Italian guy and I am looking 4 females in order to practice my Italian. Please reply if you are really interested in this friendship. I am looking for a person who does not write me only once or twice. My answer will be 100%. Hope to hear from u soon. Ciao IVAN MASCIA
  38. I want to enter an email into the Penpals page on your site and I'm not sure how to do it. I am an australian woman over 50 who has just taken up teaching Italian to high school children. I need help with Italian and am more than willing to give help with English. I speak very correct English. AMANDA 
  39. I am seeking another person who is learning Italian. Age does not matter as at this moment the language is the most important and I am not seeking a relationship. I am a grandmother, so I am not looking for romance merely someone to E mail and help me along with my study of the Italian Language. Io  mi chiama Eve 
  40. Mi chiamo Joaca, sono brasiliana e studentessa d'italiano e francese.Ho studiato italiano per qualque tempo e mi manca molto scabiare qualque parola con persone che parlino una delle lingue più belle del mondo.Mi piaciono la cultura, la lingua, il popolo e la musica italiana  Ho 28 anni, sono sposata, abito in Brasile e sono laureata in geografia.
  41. American woman looking for email pen-pal to correspond with in Italian.  I already know I little bit, but wish to improve.  I would prefer someone who is a native speaker, but will write to anyone who has mastered the language.  Any age or gender.  You can email S. S'Junta" 
  42. I would like to have an Italian pen-pal to help me with my Italian.  I'm learning the I. Language. My name is Giovanni and I'm an electrical engineer living in Tulsa, Ok. Write to  Giovanni Thank very much.
  43. Io mi chiamo Juhlbert and I am a retired Mechanical Engineer.  Io abito a Tulsa, Ok - USA. I have never being married and would like to have a single Italian lady as my pen pal to help me with my Italian.  She must be willing to learn the English Language and I can help her if she desires.  We could start an everlasting friendship. Thanks again,Juhlbert  
  44. Mi chiamo Tanti, sono una ragazza Indonesiana, ho 24 anni, e vado pazza per Italia…vorrei avere amici con cui posso praticare il mio Italiano.
  45. Hello. My name is ADJIBI Ramanou, I am Beninese and I live in Benin where I make my studies of accountancy. My desire is to have a penpal with whom I will be able to exchange ideas. I would like to correspond with you for a durable friendship. Answer me. Your new friend 
  46. Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Julia e vivo negli Stati Uniti. Studio la lingua italiana a casa, ma nel 2006 vado a studiare a Roma per quattro mesi (da febbraio a maggio). Cerco degli amici che mi aiutino a migliorare il mio italiano. Scrivetemi per favore: Julia. Mille grazie!
  47. Ciao my name is Carolina. I'm looking for a penpal that can help me with my Italian. Please I really need the help email me at Carolina 
  48. " Hi, my name is Elisa and I would be pleased to have new (pen) friends who want to learn or improve their Italian! I am a native speaker living near Venice, speaking English and German (I love both countries)...so...my email adress is elyca77@libero.it    write me soon! ciao a presto! 
  49. I am Bahram, a 62 year male from San Diego, California, USA who is studying Italian because my daughter just got married to an Italian and I would like to be able to speak to our new Italian relatives.  Just got back from the wedding which was held in Torino where my son in law is from.  Fantastic; loved every moment! I have been taking course in Italian and I am now in the third course. Love to have pen pals from Italy, age and gender is irrelevant. Bahram Thanks
  50. I am Berk, I am Turkish, male and 30 years old. I am trying to find pen friend who is Italian. I know also perfect English and I can help other party for english. Pls do not hesitate to contact with me from Berk Best rgds; Berk
  51.  I am a student at Loyola university Chicago.  I have lived in the Chicago area all my life. I am of Italian and English descent and want to get in touch with my roots.  One way is to learn Italian.  I am looking for a pen pal to help me learn Italian by conversing in it.  I would also be interested in helping them learn English, which is my course of study at the university.  Any one interested can email me at Andrea Giammicchio. Andrea Giammicchio
  52. Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo kay, sono francese, ho 30 anni. Vorrei parlare via internet con italiani. Parlo anche inglese. Non ho parlato italiano da almeno 4-5 anni, questa lingua mi piace molto. Se qualcuno vuole scriverme ecco il mio e-mail : sweeetkay@tiscali.fr. Aspetto per le vostri e-mail. Mi dispiace per gli errore di grammatica.
  53. Hi.  My name is Christina.  I'm looking for a pen pal that lives in Italy.  I want to visit someday.  Thanks.  Please write in English or Italian, and I'll write back in either language. My Italian isn't perfect.  My e-mail is christina.l.herren@yahoo.com Ciao.  Il mio nome è Christina.  Sto cercando una penna pal che vive in Italia.  Desidero visitare qualche giorno.  Grazie.  Scriva prego in inglese o italiano e scriverò indietro in la una o la altra lingua. Il mio italiano non è perfetto. Il mio E-mail è christinaherren@yahoo.com
  54. Ciao! Vivo in Russia. Ho 40 anni e sono sposata. Mi piace studiare le lingue, leggere, viaggiare... Amo la lingua italiana, la musica e la pittura. Mi piacerebbe corrispondere con persone 35-45 anni che vogliono conoscere di piu' sulla Russia. Sarebbe bello trovare le amiche italiane per l'amicizia lunga! Arina Sheredina rk6fk@mail.ru
  55. My name is Mica i would really love to learn Italian from an Italian pen pal please help thanks. Lilbella21@aol.com 
  56. Salut, Je  suis un camerounais et je souhaite correspondre avec un italien pour pouvir m’améliorer parceque j’apprend l’italien. Ciao ,Sono un ragazzo di Africa (Cameroun).voglio corrispondere con un italiano oppure una italiana per aiuto in lingua italiano. Imparo questa lingua. mbouendaw@yahoo.fr 
  57. I am mildred carawa citizen of united kingdom (u.k), female by sex and 45 yrs. of age, my hobbies are swimming, dancing, mountain climbing, reading novels and travelling.
    I have been diagnose by my doctor of breast cancer and i have been told that i have two weeks to live on this earth before i die.so i am looking for a trust-worthy friend that will give me words of encouragement because, life is too short for me now to be lonely.i hope to hear from you soon. Regards Mildred Carawa 
  58. Mi chiamo Sari e sono spagnola. Sono sposata e ho figli. Mi piacerebbe trovare un pen pal italiano -preferisco donne - per imparar l'italiano. Posso aiutare con lo spagnolo se qualche persona è interessata. il mio e-mail mcrespo0710@yahoo.es 
  59. .I am an older student of Italian but i need someone to practise with. Yours faithfully Ron Taylor email: ronald.taylor37@blueyonder.co.uk
  60. Web Mail Messagesono italiano vorrei imparare e scambiare la mia lingua con spanish possibilmente con persone che vogliono imparare italiano per motivi di cultura e per viaggiare ciao Mauro Nigro 
  61.  Io sono dalla Croazia  , ho 39 anni e io voglio trovare qualcuno che parla italiano e che ha voglia per fare quatro chiachiere sul internet . Ho finito mio corso di italiano e mi piacerebbe continuare insegnare questa meravigliosa lingua . Voglio soltanto corispondere con qualcuno , e migliora combinazione con qualcuno chi conosce lingua italiana ma non e italiano perche per veri italiani mi sembra  , noi che impariamo la lingua posiamo essere un po noiosi . Zdenko 
  62. I want to look for friends who speak Italian, since I am taking an Italian course (only for two months so far)  and would love to have friends to practise. I don't mind to have male/female friends. I love italian songs (and music in general). I also love sport, travelling, writing and reading. Thanks. I can also be reached at win_jo26@yahoo.com 
  63. Ciao ! Mi chiamo Warley e sono brasiliano. Mi piace molto conoscere persone di tutto il mondo, cambiare idee, altre culture, posti, ecc, principalmente relativo all'Italia. Parlo anche l'inglese, oltre il portoguese che è l'idioma del Brasile." Scrivete a Warley 
  64. Bonjour, je cherche à correspondre avec des italiens en toute amitié, (hommes ou femmes peu importe de + de 40 ans de préférence) dans un but d'entraide franco/italienne. J'habite en Savoie (France) près de l'italie. mailto:niveole01@tiscali.fr 
  65. Hi, I’m a 27 year old Australian female looking for an Italian pen pal (preferably around my age) to help me learn the language, I’m also happy to assist with their English. Erin
  66. Hi! My name is Alice,I am a 23 years old italian girl. I am looking for penfriends. I would like to help some one who wants to learn Italian and maybe improve my English. I am a college student, I love travelling aroud europe, listen to music, watch movies and read. If you want to contact me my e-mail is : lunacy83@excite.it
  67. My name is Camilla and I am a 27 year old woman Kenyan
    Christian woman interested in learning the Italian
    language. I would therefore like Italian penpals (both
    male and female)of between 25 and 35 years who can
    speak and write some English. Thank you. Get me at
  68. I am a Zambian male of 39 years of age and would like to correspond with Italians of any age interested in travelling and business. I speak english but am willing to learn Italian. My email is ssangulukani@yahoo.com Moses
  69. Hi my name is luis and i live in florida , i'd like to get in contact with
    italians that would like to help me with my learning of this beautifull
    language. lflc75@hotmail.com
  70. Hi I am Sisira Kumara, 45 years old,male person from Sri Lanka. I like to have some e-mail pals from Italy.gender and age is not important, if you can give me some e-mail address from Italy to improve my Italian language, will be a great help for me. thank you. Sisira. ithlanka@itmin.com
  71. Hi I´m Evelina from Argentina. I´m 23 and I´m interested in learning Italian. I exchange my English/Spanish for your Italian. Evelina eveabello@hotmail.com
  72. ciao sono italian mi chiamo francesca ho 17 anni e vorrei parlare magari con qualche ragazzo italiano o francese la ligua francese...per impararla meglio o l'Inglese..contattatemi.. francyelaura@hotmail.it.
  73. Ciao, mi chiamo Helen. Io sono indonesiana, ho 25 anni.  In questo momento, io sono una studentessa della la lingua italiana.
    I am looking for an Italian friend who also speaks English, to help me learn & improve my italian language.
    I really need help, please kindly email me at helenmontess@yahoo.com, you can also add me in yahoo messenger if you like. Grazie mille.
  74. Ciao!
    Mi chiamo Antonio e sono spagnolo di 38 anni. Vorrei imparare il mio italiano con persone italiane perche
    io penso andare in Italia l'anno prossimo.   Io potrei insegnare lo spagnolo . Scriviteme, grazie. paazsi@yahoo.com


is the sponsor of this page. Visit their site for a large database of Pen Pals.

Global Penfriends is a meeting place for people from all over the world. Whether you would like an international postal penpal or email friend - this is the place to meet your international contacts! GP's has the largest online database of postal penpals in the world! Let Global Penfriends introduce you to new friends, acquaintances and contacts from all over the globe.

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